Middle School Courses
Registration Forms
2024-25 Available Now
Registration Forms ~~ 2024-25 Available Now ~~
English Grammar & Writing/I.E.W.
(Institute for Excellence in Writing)
Grade Level: 6th-8th
Instructor: TBA
Day / Time: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
This class establishes the foundation of the I.E.W. curriculum, which includes outlining, note-taking, summarizing, and essay writing. It also assists in establishing the fundamentals of the English language. The students will journey with Swift in an effort to help him find a safe place to live while learning how to develop keyword outlines. After this, they will travel back in time and witness the devastating events of World War 2 through the eyes of Corrie Ten Boom and learn about the different elements of the I.E.W. curriculum such as the MLA format and various stylistic techniques. During their journeys, they will also visit an island off of the California coast with a young Native American girl named Karana. Finally, students will travel with Xavier and Evan as they learn that there is a battle going on all around them and that they must wear their armor in order to survive.
*Portable Walls For Structure and Style ISBN: 9781623413279
*Portable Walls Grammar on the Go ISBN: 9781623413828
Required Novels:
Parry, Rosanne. A Wolf Called Wander. S.L., Greenwillow Books, 2020. ISBN: 9780062895943
Corrie Ten Boom, et al. The Hiding Place. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Chosen, 2015. ISBN: 9780800796273
O’Dell, Scott. Island of the Blue Dolphins. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1988. ISBN: 9780547328614
Shirer, Priscilla, et al. The Prince Warriors. Nashville, Tennessee, B & H Publishing Group, 2016. ISBN: 9781087748573
**Important Note** Please be sure to purchase the books using the above ISBN numbers because we will be reading some of these in class. The rest will be assigned for homework.
$60 per month + $40 application fee
Public Speaking (Spring Semester)
Grade Level: 6th-8th
Instructor: Mrs. Melanie Goccia
Day / Time: Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This class is designed to cover the basics of public speaking and aid students in becoming confident public speakers. Through plenty of practice, the students will have opportunities to work on their dictation, presentation, posture, and communication skills. Students will read aloud from children’s books, present “how to” demonstrations, prepare a bibliography speech, create a sales pitch, practice interviewing skills, present a children’s Bible lesson, and more! Students will be graded on participation, their speeches, and potential group projects.
Speech 1 Student Workbook
You can purchase this workbook and download it from the following website: https://www.7sistershomeschool.com/product/speech-student-workbook/
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
World Geography
Grade Level: 6th-8th
Instructor: Mrs. Sarah Bearden
Day / Time: Tuesday at 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Welcome to this expedition around the globe! We will be learning more about God’s diverse Creation while cultivating an appreciation for unique cultures and lands. Through an introduction to cartography, students will begin to have a more concrete understanding of the physical elements of our world. Students will also learn more about cultures and land far away, as they interact with the information through hands-on activities and crafts and research for their own personal country presentations. In addition, students will examine the impact of the physical environment on people and cultures. Students will also be active researchers in the people groups of these lands, giving them a better appreciation of other cultures and societies.
3 ring binder
Colored Pencils
Trail Guide to World Geography Student Notebook.
Be sure to purchase the Middle School Digital Download found on geomatters.com
Each student will need a binder to create their own collection of maps and projects throughout the year.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Grade Level: 6th (Advanced 5th Graders can register)
Instructor: Mrs. Sarah Bearden
Day / Time: Thursday at 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
This course will help students through the transition between elementary and secondary math by reviewing previously taught concepts and introducing new ones. It will build your students' knowledge of the foundational math skills they will need for both everyday life and higher-level math. Units cover adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Equations, plane-figure geometry, measurement, ratios, statistics, probability, and integers are also covered. Pages feature full-color photographs, illustrations, and charts to reinforce concepts; career-links, biographies of mathematicians, and mathematical links to historical events are included for added interest. A handbook section contains a glossary of terms and definitions along with illustration of math concepts for student reference, and a daily review section provides exercises for the reviewing of previously taught concepts. Students will be graded on quizzes and tests over concepts and math vocabulary taught. Partial credit may be awarded if solid effort is shown with work to support their answers. The text we will be using will give basic examples of the information taught in class for each section, so students are encouraged to take notes and ask questions during class and during the week via email, phone, or by designated personal sessions. Basic calculators and graph paper may be utilized occasionally during this course but advanced notice will be given before they would be needed in class.
Bob Jones Math 6 (3rd Edition) ISBN 9781606821121. You can purchase this book new or used online through Amazon.com, AbeBooks.com, half.com, christianbook.com, etc.
Please make sure the ISBN numbers match. Be careful not to purchase the teacher's edition.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Grade Level: 7th (Advanced 6th graders can register)
Instructor: Mrs. Sarah Bearden
Day / Time: Thursday at 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
This course will build on students’ already expanding math skills. We will cover many topics including whole numbers, decimals, number theory, fractions, as well as an introduction to Algebra and Geometry topics. We will study concepts with word problems and real-world applications to build students’ critical thinking skills. Students will have homework given to review lessons taught in class each week. Homework will be graded on both accuracy and completion. Students will also be graded on quizzes and tests on concepts and math vocabulary taught. Partial credit may be awarded if solid effort is shown with work to support their answers. The text we will be using will give basic examples of the information taught in class for each section, so students are encouraged to take notes and ask questions during class and during the week via email, phone, or by designated personal sessions. Basic calculators and graph paper may be utilized occasionally during this course but advanced notice will be given before they would be needed in class.
Bob Jones Fundamentals of Math ISBN 1591666422. You can purchase this book new or used online through AbeBooks.com, half.com, Amazon.com, etc.
Please make sure the ISBN numbers match. Be careful not to purchase the teacher's edition.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Instructor: Mr. Frank Johnson
Day / Time: Thursday at 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
This course is designed to assist the students in understanding the terminology and science behind the math to better prepare them for Algebra 1. We will cover topics such as equations, probability, proportions, algebraic concepts, etc. Students will have homework given to review lessons taught in class each week. Homework will be graded on both accuracy and completion. Students will also be graded on quizzes and tests on concepts taught in the classroom. Partial credit may be awarded if solid effort is shown with work to support their answers. The text we will be using will give basic examples of the information taught in class for each section, so students are encouraged to take notes and ask questions during class and during the week via email, phone, or by designated personal sessions. Basic calculators may be utilized occasionally during this course but advanced notice will be given before they would be needed in class.
McDougal Littell Pre-Algebra ISBN: 0618250034.
You can purchase this book new or used online through AbeBooks.com, half.com, Amazon.com, etc.
Please make sure the ISBN numbers match. Also, be careful not to purchase the teacher's edition.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Algebra 1
Grade Level: 8th-9th
Instructor: Mr. Frank Johnson
Day / Time: Tuesday & Thursday at 1:30 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.
This course is the beginning of the high school math curriculum. We will review the students’ math knowledge up to this point and then expand on that knowledge by covering topics including equations, functions, real numbers, inequalities, exponents, quadratics, polynomials, factoring, rational and irrational numbers, as well as radicals, etc. The text we will be using will give basic examples of the information taught in class for each section, so students are encouraged to take notes and ask questions during class and during the week via email, phone, or by designated personal sessions. Homework will be given following each class and will be graded for both accuracy and completion. Students will also be graded on quizzes, tests, and potential projects. Partial credit may be awarded if solid effort is shown with work to support their answers.
McDougal Littell Algebra 1 by Larson, Boswell, and Kanold (2001) ISBN: 0395937760. You can purchase this book new or used online through AbeBooks.com, half.com, Amazon.com, etc.
Please make sure the ISBN numbers match. Also, be careful not to purchase the teacher's edition.
Scientific calculators (Texas Instrument 30) and graph paper is required for this course.
Pre-requisite: Pre-Algebra
$70 per month per child + $50 registration fee
Consumer Math
Grade Level: 8th-12th
Instructor: Mrs. Mary Loggins
Day / Time: Tuesday & Thursday at 1:30 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.
This course uses math skills in real life situations like shopping, calculating taxes, estimating monthly budget, calculating interest rate for a loan, and more. It will help students gain a strong understand of today's key mathematical concepts and learn how to use math for success in business today. This reader-friendly approach will help students overcome any math anxiety and confidently master mathematical concepts. A proven step-by-step instructional model allows students to progress through one topic at a time without being intimidated or overwhelmed. Learning features connect the topics they are learning to the latest business news and even provide helpful personal money tips. Students can immediately practice concepts and hone essential skills. The practices introduce each new topic and provide worked-out solutions to help them start homework, while offering detailed interactive explanations. Teaching students about spending, saving and other aspects of "money math" will prepare them to make better financial decisions.
Abeka Consumer Mathematics (2nd Edition) ISBN: BOOOSUWSHS. You can purchase this book new or used online through Amazon.com.
Please make sure the ISBN numbers match.
Scientific calculators (Texas Instrument 30) and graph paper may be utilized occasionally during this course, but advanced notice will be given before they will be needed in class.
$70 per month per child + $50 registration fee
Science w/Hands-On Labs
Grade Level: 6th-8th
Instructor: Mrs. Sarah Bearden
Day / Time: Thursday at 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
In this course, we will cover concepts from life science, earth science, and physical science. This will give students a good foundation for going forward into high school sciences. Each week we will make a great effort to perform hands-on labs. We will be starting with basic knowledge and expanding on their knowledge by covering such topics as biology, the surface of the earth, bodies of water, and the relationship between electricity and magnetism. The text will give us basic information that will be expanded upon in class. Our goal is to equip each child with knowledge, enhance their God-given talents, and help them expand their horizons by providing them with scientific data and backing it up with a Biblical worldview perspective of God's creations. In order to reach our goal, this class will have a 3-year rotation of books to better prepare all our students for our high school sciences. Students are encouraged to take notes in class and ask questions both during class time and during the week via phone, email, or by designated personal sessions. There will be homework each week to both introduce new material that will be discussed in class the following week and also to review what was learned in class that week. Homework will be graded for both completion and accuracy. Students will also be graded on tests, labs, and potential projects. Related field trips are being considered.
McDougal Littell Human Biology ISBN 9780618334315
Earth's Surface ISBN 9780618842278
Earth's Waters ISBN 9780618334179
Electricity and Magnetism ISBN 9780618334407.
You can purchase these books new or used online (they are pretty inexpensive) through Amazon.com, Abebooks.com, half.com, etc.
Please be sure the ISBN numbers match.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee + $30 (one-time lab fee)
Grade Level: 5th - 8th grade
Instructor: Mrs. Mary Layne
Day / Time: Monday at 10:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.
This course will expand on art techniques while applying the information to a wide variety of media and projects. Students will cover many styles of art throughout the year. Color media will be used to explore line, tone, spatial relationships, perspectives, shapes, lighting, and more. Creativity will be encouraged and an emphasis on portfolio building will be introduced. This class is aimed at preparing students for high school art while giving them room to grow in their own styles. Students are encouraged to take notes in class and ask questions both during class time and during the week via phone, email, or by designated personal sessions. There will be homework each week to both introduce new material that will be discussed in class the following week and to review what was learned in class that week. Homework will be graded for both completion and accuracy. Students will also be graded on tests and potential projects. Related field trips are being considered.
Supply list: sketchbook (at least 9 X 12), watercolor artist paper (at least 9 X 12), paint brushes (several sizes in round and flat), Pentel oil pastels set (at least 16 colors or more), Prang watercolor paint set (at least 16 colors), Pentel colored pencil set (at least 12 count), Master's Touch Acrylic Paint set (18 piece set), eraser, pencil sharpener and several #2 pencils. You can find these supplies for reasonable prices at Michaels Arts and Crafts, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, and Dollar Tree stores.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Basic Web Design
Grade Level: 6th - 8th (5th graders can register)
Instructor: Mrs. Michelle Young
Day / Time: Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
This course will introduce students to the language of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with fun, project-oriented lessons. Students will be provided with a variety of resources in addition to their textbook. Classes will consist of a short lecture introducing new terms, a vocabulary quiz, and an activity to apply what they have learned. Throughout the week, students will be expected to practice what they have learned and test out new ideas using the resources given. There will be an HTML and CSS project, a final website project, and a final practical exam. Students will also learn the importance of internet safety with interactive games. By the end of this course, students will have a solid foundation of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and will have the tools to go out and learn more on their own.
Get Coding!: Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript & Build a Website, App & Game ISBN 9780763692766. This book can be purchased new or used through Amazon.com, Abebooks.com, half.com, etc. Please make sure the ISBN numbers match.
Basic typing and computer skills, a laptop to bring to class with Windows 7 or higher, 1-inch 3-ring binder, paper, and pencils.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Grade Level: 6th-12th
Instructor: Mr. Mark Michaels
Day / Time: Monday at 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
This course will involve students playing in an ensemble with various musical instruments and vocals. The pre-requisite for this class is that students should have completed beginner and intermediate studies for the instruments they want to play. Students need to have a basic knowledge of chart reading. Completion of this course will count as one fine arts credit. Students will be required to bring their own instruments and music stands to class, with the exception of keyboards and certain percussion instruments. Music charts will be provided. The charts will be low to medium difficulty level. We will consider a higher level of difficulty depending on students’ level of training. This is a wonderful and fun way to get aspiring musicians together in a group setting to see, hear, and learn from the teacher and each other.
There will be some field trips for students to have the opportunity to see and hear live musicians perform. These field trips are optional.
Black Three-Ring Binder
Music Stand
Battery-Operated Stand Light
$0 per month per child (FREE tuition for 1st semester) + $50 registration fee (registration fee will go towards music and other related items needed for the class).
Critical Thinking/Career Exploration
Grade Level: 6th-8th
Instructor: Mrs. Melanie Goccia
Day / Time: Will Be Offered Again in 2025-26
In this course, students will learn to think clearly and rationally so they can make reasoned judgements that are logical and well thought out. During the first semester, we will solve mysteries, puzzles, and riddles, learn to debate and how to identify propaganda in commercials. During the second semester, we will be using our newly learned critical thinking skills to explore career opportunities for the future. With the use of personality and career assessment tests as well as many class guests, we will explore possible career paths.
No books required for this course. Please bring a three-ring binder or folder, paper, and a pencil.
$60 per month + $40 application fee
Drama (FULL)
Grade Level: 5th - 8th
Instructor: Mrs. Kimberly Tisdale
Day / Time: Monday at 9:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
Middle school students blossom in drama class! Drama classes are not only fun, but they also provide a safe environment in which students can learn basic concepts useful in other classes and throughout life. In this class, students will learn cooperation, confidence, self-control, discipline, communication, empathy, creative problem solving, and critical thinking. The fall semester will focus on workshop skills vital to acting such as stage movement and spatial awareness, building ensemble, vocal and facial expressions, gestures, exploring emotion, characterization, pantomime, and improvisation. The first semester will end with an in-class performance and auditions for the spring play. During the second semester, we will focus on our spring production. Sharing in God's gift of creativity is awesome! An old proverb says, "Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand." Come get involved with drama class at MHA-it's the best place to learn and have fun together!
Please note: Drama productions typically generate costs unusual to most classroom settings. Within the first few weeks of class, parents will have the opportunity to vote to do either fundraisers or to pay an out-of-pocket production fee. If the vote is for fundraisers, there will be at least one in the fall. Should the vote fall to the production fee, it will be due by October 15. Drama families, keep an eye on emails for further details!
Also of note: Due to the nature of rehearsals, the more your child attends, the better the performance. There may be 4-8 required rehearsals outside of class during the spring semester. Every effort will be made to ensure this is an easy process for everyone.
There is a script fee for your child's spring performance. It will be no more than $8 and will be due when scripts are ordered. Students need to bring a 3-ring binder (1/2 to 1 inch), paper, dividers, pens, pencils, and their script to class.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Foreign Languages
American Sign Language
Grade Level: 5th - 8th
Instructor: Mrs. Bonita Eimers
Day / Time: Monday at 1:10 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.
In this course, students will learn vocabulary, Deaf culture, and American Sign Language grammar. The book we have chosen for this grade level does a great job at addressing the visual gestural language by using illustrations and scripts for signed sequences. This basic course in American Sign Language is composed of 22 lessons each of which contains two to four basic explanations of the language structures to be learned. As a resource for the student, a drill or exercises follows. Spaced at intervals throughout the text are several short dialogues which review the language structures discussed in the preceding lessons. Students are encouraged to take notes in class and ask questions both during class time and during the week via phone, email, or by designated personal sessions. There will be homework each week to both introduce new material that will be discussed in class the following week and to review what was learned in class the previous week. Homework will be graded for both completion and accuracy. Students will also be graded on tests and potential projects. Related field trips are being considered.
Basic Course in American Sign Language (2nd Edition) ISBN 9780932666420. You can purchase this book new or used online through Amazon.com, half.com, Abebooks.com, etc. Please be sure the ISBN numbers match.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Japanese (Not Offered This Year)
(Online at the Facility OR Home)
Grade Level: 6th - 8th
Instructor: Mrs. Autumn Skiles
Day / Time: Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
In this class, the students will be learning the basics of Japanese vocabulary and sentence structures as they incorporate common phrases and questions into each lesson. They will also be taking an in-depth look at reading and writing hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji. Students will also be able to further their studies through video and audio immersion and in-class games and quizzes.
NOTE: Mrs. Autumn Skiles has moved to the state of Pennsylvania and will continue to teach this class online through Google Meet. If your child has a class before or after this class, we will facilitate a classroom with adult supervision.
Japanese for Young People Student Book (Japanese for Young People Series) ISBN 9781568364230;
Japanese for Young People 1: Kana Workbook (Japanese for Young People Series) ISBN 9781568364247.
You can purchase these books through Amazon.com. Be sure the ISBN numbers match.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Grade Level: 5th - 8th
Instructor: Mrs. Sarah Bearden
Day / Time: Monday at 1:10 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.
A middle school textbook with a lot of added activities will be used for this course including the following: music, drama, and games. If students are enjoying spending time in a particular topic, the class will not be hurried through that chapter. Students will be expected to participate as a group, and later as confidence grows, as individuals. Students will have about two hours of homework during the week, which would include listening to Spanish files, memorizing vocabulary, and doing practice exercises from the textbook and workbook. There will be some grammar involved but the focus of the class will be everyday communication. Home quizzes will be sent home on a regular basis for the students to complete and return in a timely manner. Homework will be evaluated and quizzes will be graded.
Realidades (2004) ISBN 0131016873
Realidades Workbook ISBN 0130360074.
For registered students, we have a few extra copies of these books at hand for $15 (both books) if anyone is interested or you can purchase these books new or used online through AbeBooks.com, half.com, Amazon.com, etc.
Please make sure the ISBN numbers match.
Also, be careful not to purchase the teacher's edition.
Access to the internet to listen to the audio files and to use Quizlet for vocabulary is recommended and ideal. If internet access is not available, alternate arrangements can be made.
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Grade Level: 6th-8th
Instructor: Mrs. Michelle Young
Day / Time: Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
In this course, students will learn basic stitches, how to knit in the round (think 'hats' and socks', etc.), and how to hold their hook or needles in the way that works best for them. They will make beautiful projects that look much more complicated than they really are. Students will also learn to read and write patterns so they can re-visit some of their favorite creations, or find new ones. For Christmas, they will create 'Love Projects' that will be given to the elderly and the homeless.
2 skeins of "I Love This Yarn" brand synthetic yarn from Hobby Lobby, one being multicolored, the other being a solid color that matches the multicolor. Please avoid solid black because it is much harder to see the stitches when using vey dark colors.
1 crochet hook, size I-9
1 set of ChiaoGoo brand (preferred) circular knitting needles, size 8. This brand uses a metal wire coated with plastic for the cord that goes between the needles. Other brands use a plastic cord that usually gets in the way of making the stitches. We want new and seasoned artisans to stay encouraged throughout their projects.
1 darning needle (plastic or metal) for working in ends
1 pair small scissors sharp enough to cut yarn well
1 row counter
1 stitch marker - we recommend getting 1 small bag of safety pin bulb stich markers. These markers are made of thin metal in the shape of a light bulb, with a safety pin open and close end. They can be added to any part of the project at any time, and used for crocheting in addition to knitting. The thinness of the metal helps prevent 'laddering' in your knitting.
Recommended, but not required: a small bag or box to keep supplies organized.
Most of these materials are available locally through Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or JoAnn Fabric and Crafts. You will find the ChiaoGoo brand knitting needles through Amazon.com.
$60 per month + $40 registration fee
Life Skills
Grade Level: 6th-8th (Fall Semester)
Instructor: Mrs. Melanie Goccia
Day / Time: Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Life skills are an important part of making sure our kids are ready to be on their own in college and beyond. This class will scrape the surface of some very important life skills such as personal finance, social skills, basic sewing, nutrition, basic first aid, study skills, resume writing, mental health, decision-making, body language, and more! Students can expect this to be a very hands-on class and participation will be a must. Students will be graded on their participation, potential tests, and note-taking.
3 ring binder
Planner - one that has it broken up weekly so that the kids can keep up with their homework. We will be covering study skills from the beginning and they will be graded throughout the semester on filling out their planner each week.
2 pocket folder
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Grade Level: 5th-8th
Instructor: Mr. Mark Michaels
Day / Time: Monday at 11:50 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
This is an intermediate course for aspiring young musicians. Students will learn music theory, composition, and rhythmic techniques They will have the opportunity to learn about the different classifications of musical instruments and decide which instrument ( s ) they would like to play. Also, every student will learn voice. Private instruction is encouraged, in addition to this class, to help prepare them for High School Band.
Staff Paper: Standard Wirebound Manuscript Paper (Green Cover): Hal Leonard Music Books, ISBN 9780881884999
$60 per month per child + $40 registration fee
Physical Education
Grade Level: 6th-12th
Instructor: Mrs. Melanie Goccia
Day / Time: Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.-2:10 p.m.
Our physical education program consists of a short devotional followed by warm ups, stretches, calisthenics, sport of the week, and so much more. We teach the fundamentals of baseball/softball, soccer, flag football, basketball, volleyball and tennis. Every student will not only be strengthened physically but also spiritually as we strive to fulfill God's calling by starting each class with a prayer and a short Bible devotional. In keeping a well-rounded program, we have also incorporated several field trips per semester which consist of swimming, hiking/canoeing, horseback riding, a trip to Wonderworks in Pigeon Forge, skating, bowling, and so much more. These field trips are opened to all our registered families - no membership fee is required (please check our calendar for more details). Through this program, all our students can also enjoy interacting with one another and building lasting friendships while at the same time working on keeping their minds and bodies healthy through exercise as we work on strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility, and agility.
Note: This class is combined with the high schoolers.
No equipment is required.
Appropriate clothing
Athletic shoes
$40 per month per child + $30 registration fee
Grade Level: 6th-8th
(5th graders can join this class)
Instructor: Mrs. Michelle Young
Day / Time: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Build, code & play with Robots! This class starts with 8-10 weeks of robotics where we will lead students through building with gears, axles, dc motors, switches, IR sensors, LEDs, servo motors, and the Arduino mainboard. Every few weeks, we will build a different robot and use those robots in an activity or competition. Examples include the Knight Robot for battle bots, Flag Football bot, Soccer Bot, and Wand Following Bot. As students become adept at building robots, we will then introduce coding concepts. Students will learn how to use loops, wait statements, IF-THEN-ELSE statements, and more to control their robots. Each coding class will have a challenge that will teach our young engineers how to use Scratch coding to make their robots complete a task autonomously.
Students will need their own laptops with Windows 10 or higher to be able to download our program.
$65 per month per child + $35 registration fee